Duckbill Voice Prosthesis

Duckbill Voice Prosthesis

Duckbill Voice Prosthesis

The Duckbill is a patient changeable 16 Fr. silicone, one-way slit valve prosthesis designed for placement in a passage between the trachea and the oesophagus for voice restoration following laryngectomy.

INTENDED USE:The device is intended to direct pulmonary air flow to the pharynx in the absence of the larynx, for permitting oesophageal speech

CLEANING:It is important to clean the voice prosthesis regularly, as the silicone material is exposed to yeast (candida) and bacteria in the food pipe, which is normally present in these areas. If yeast begins growing on or in the area of the valve flap of the voice prosthesis, it may not close well enough anymore. When this happens fluid starts to leak into the windpipe when eating or drinking.

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